Friday, November 27, 2009


So after much tribulations of when Christmas music can be played, it is time. Brody can play all the Christmas music he wished and there will be no complaints from me until Jan 1st.

So today, we went out to find our FIRST Christmas Tree. I have always wanted a Charlie Brown like one, and as you can see we found the perfect one. We went to the nursery near Moscow and looked around and saw this little guy with no tag. All the other potted trees were $40-60 out side. So we went inside to ask and the lady sold it to us for $10! So we went to the Dollar Store and got a few decorations and I had the ribbon from something. Now we have our Christmas tree and another plant to decorate our home! We have decided to keep it for as long as we can, and when it gets too big, plant it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pies and Blueberries...

I am a little stressed out from school and have gone into a baking frenzy. Although, I honestly think it started on Halloween when I went to bake a pumpkin pie for my sister-in-law. Making a pumpkin pie is not a simple ordeal. I make it from a real pumpkin, so I, also being a little rushed was doing multiple things at a time. The filling was just fine, but the crust, what I pride the most in my pies, was not. So since then I have been wanting to make another pie to "rebuild" my confidence. Which brings me to the blueberries...

For the last 4 times, which is now 6 weeks, Brody and I have gone grocery shopping I have had blueberries (frozen, mind you) on list. But every time we go Winco and Safeway were COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! So finally today I asked costumer service what the deal was. So the lady looks in the inventory and they of course don't have any, so she says she is sorry and says they will order some canned blueberries. When I told her I meant frozen, she looked again, and tells me that they get ordered EVERY NIGHT. So therefore restocked everyday. So why can I not purchase frozen blueberries? And why are people buying the grocery store out daily? Plus it is not even their season!!!