Thursday, February 28, 2013

Two Weeks

Wow! We can not believe we have had Zelner for two weeks now. At times if feels way longer, and at others like we just got him yesterday.

This week Zelner said good bye to visiting family, and then met some more family.

After visiting for a week, my family headed back across the mountains. We were sad to have them leave, and grateful for all the help they provided.

On Saturday, we had his newborn pictures taken. We are looking forward to seeing the final edits of those. What we have seen looks great!

Also on Saturday, due to poor planning on our part, we had to go up to Spokane. He did great in the car on the way up and back, and during our errands. Brody also got to spends some quality time with Zelner. Brody really enjoys spending time with him, sometime homework gets delayed until really late.

Brody enjoying baby wearing.

Zelner loves to hear Brody's voice, and bedtime stories are everyone's favorite.

This week Zelner also got to meet his Aunt Karra and Uncle Levi.

Zelner's Stroller also arrived, just in time for a two week milestone walk around the block.

Still in newborn diapers, and have gone through two packages of disposables, and two packages for the flushable inserts for the cloth diapers. We are really liking being able to flush his "diapers".

Enjoys going for walks in his stroller.

Back up to birth weight!

One Week

Zelner's first week was full of meeting family, and us getting little to no sleep.

Zelner was born at night on Wednesday the 13th, and so we were able to enjoy that first night alone and figuring things out.

I forgot to include a picture of Nurse Nicole, she was the nurse that caught Zelner.

First Zelner got to meet Brody's mom.

Meeting Nonnie.

Then Brody's sister and family.

Meeting cousin Cora.

Meeting Aunt Lilli.

Meeting Uncle Greg.

And then my family arrived.

Meeting my Dad, Grandpa

Meeting Aunt Alice.

Meeting Uncle Benjamin.

Meeting Aunt Tiffany.

After the loss of my mom, very early in the pregnancy, I wanted to have something at the birth for the baby to have as a talking point/something to know his Grandmother by. I knitted this little elephant for that purpose.

Zenler's first week was eventful, with family visiting, and teaching us in his crash course on how to raise him. He did get to have a little bit of fun.

At his one week appointment, he was on track for gaining his birth weight back and we were told we no longer need to wake him for feedings!

Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz
Lost my umbilical cord
Sleeping for 3 hour stretches

Zelner's Story

Our little miracle decided to enter this world in the most surprising and miraculous way.

I will start from the beginning, so about a week before the birth I was having irregular contractions. Except, I didn’t know they were actual contractions, I thought they were just stronger Braxton Hicks. On Saturday, the day Alice came, they were a little more regular, but went away when I laid down for bed. At my 39 week appointment on Tuesday (Feb 12th), I asked the Doctor about them and he said they were probably Braxton Hicks and my body was gearing up for labor, but don’t get to excited it could still be a while. I went about my day, and finally finished packing our hospital bags. Then about 10 that night, I started to feel crummy, and went to bed. Brody come to check on me a little later (he and Alice were watching a movie) and he thought that I might be in the early stage of early labor. I didn’t think so. In the morning I emailed my Doula with some questions and asked about the contractions. She said to distinguish between false labor and real labor, to alternate activity and rest. So, I sent Brody to work and school, and Alice and I worked on finishing up some things I wanted to get done that day. Around 2 that afternoon, Alice and I went for a walk around the block to see what the contractions would do. The contractions didn’t stop, nor did they become closer together, but they did increase in intensity.

Also around 2 Brody asked if he needed come home or should go to class, I told him to go to class. After class he wanted to know if he should go back to work, and I said it was time for him to come home. The contractions were stronger, but I was still in denial that I was in labor. We hadn’t been timing the contractions, so when Brody got home he started timing them. At 4.30 they were one minute long and about 5-7 minutes about, and so Brody called the Doula.  Because we hadn’t told her that I might be in labor that morning, she wasn’t quite ready to come over. She got to our place a 5.30. We had discussed not going to the hospital until my water broke, or I couldn’t handle the contractions, which is why we were still at home.

ViviAnne, our Doula, watched us work through a couple of contractions and asked about how I was feeling. I said I felt a little uncomfortable, and that I felt like some of the contractions where in my back. She felt the baby’s position and thought that he might be posterior. So we change my position to hands and knees, and the contractions stayed in my back. At 5.50 we tried the Robozo to see if we could get the baby to rotate. A posterior baby, will have difficultly entering the birth canal, and then the rotation they need to to go through is more difficult.  The Robozo is a Mexican midwife technique to move the baby. There are different ways to do this. ViviAnne, “sifted” the baby, which can help they baby flip. We did the Robozo for about 5 minutes, at which point I go, “I feel like puking!” ViviAnne stops and asks if I felt the baby move. I hadn’t and so we wait and see what the next couple of contractions were like.  

Now through all of this I never felt “in pain”, like they tell you will have nor did I feel like I needed to go to the hospital. I actually I kept thinking this wasn’t actually in labor until about 6.10. At this point I realized that the contractions, after doing the Robozo, were right on top of each other. I started thinking that maybe we should head to the hospital. At this point, ViviAnne also asks if I felt like my water had broken. I responded no, but that I feel like the contractions on right on top of each other. I was still talking through them, and still wasn’t in pain. Then at 6.15 I feel this urge to push, and I think to myself, “This is a different sensation” so I calmly say, “Umm… I feel like pushing.” ViviAnne, looks at me with the biggest eyes I have ever seen and goes, “Are the bags in the car? We need to leave, NOW!” Brody and ViviAnne help me up off the floor (I had laboring on hands and knees) and I throw a sweater on and some slippers and head out to the car. Once in the car, I started to feel the most uncomfortable. We left the house at 6.23 and were able to drive across Pullman without hitting a red light, which is something that never happens. I kept telling Brody to slow down and drive the speed limit, he kept telling me he was doing the speed limit. Once we turned the corner to head up the hill to the hospital I feel this pop and a gush of fluid, and go “Brody, I think I broke my water.”

We get to the hospital (it is 6.31) and Brody tries to park in the parking lot, where ViviAnne tells Brody to park next to the birth place, once we get there a nurse comes out with a wheel chair. I am helped out of the car, wheeled into the birth place, and striped down. I get in the bed, and they tell me they have to check to see if I can push. In other words, they wanted to make sure I was fully dilated. I was at a 10 and plus 3, which means the baby was 3 centimeters into the birth canal and fully engaged. I was ready to go, the staff no so much.

My doctor had not been notified I was there, and I was pushing, despite the nursing staff telling me to stop. They wanted to set up the fetal monitor to check the heart beat, and they kept trying, but couldn’t find it. The staff kept asking me questions, which was REALLY ANNOYING!!! While they are trying to find the heat beat, they give me some oxygen to see if that helps increase the baby’s heat rate. Which was really nice, cause I was forgetting to breathe and Brody had to keep prodding me. They still couldn’t find it so they put one of those finger heat rate things on me, and were trying to find a doctor from my office.

The Doctor from my office that was on call, was the Doctor I didn’t like and had got the other two doctors to finally agree to come instead. So the staff was suppose to call Doctor Harper, who was on call, but ViviAnne told them to call Hall, but in all actuality, my doctor, Jamie Bowman, was on call. The staff, was so flustered that it could them awhile to figure out who to actually call. But because it took them too long to call my doctor, the staff kept asking if a doctor who was on the floor could come in. I don’t remember, but I kept telling them no. ViviAnne, gets in my face and tells me they need to have the doctor come in, and because I was on my knees holding the back of the bed, I wouldn’t see who caught the baby anyway. I tell her "Fine, I don’t care."

Then the nurse at the foot of the bed, says, we need to slow this down, can you flip over? I finish the couple of pushes I was in the middle of, and the flip, and push. The nurse, at that moment, turned to change her gloves, and ViviAnne yells, HEAD! The nurse turns around, and just in time to bare handed catch Zelner. He had the cord around his neck, and she unwrapped that, and the next thing I know, I am holding my baby and the nurses are wiping him off.  He was born at 6.55 PM Wednesday, Feb 13th.

Seriously, I did not know I was going to have the world fastest labor for a first time mom. If I had, we might have called ViviAnne earlier, and gone to the hospital earlier. I was all prepared for a long labor, like they tell you to expect.

Everything went well, I have a bruise tail bone, and had to get stitches from tearing.  I feel like I am recovering nicely, but I also need to remember I can’t do everything yet.  Brody has been very helpful. He is also so cute and loving with Zelner.  We are both trying to get some sleep, but it is hard sleeping for an hour or two. Plus with school and work, the poor guy is stretched thin. He also has a hard time leaving to do homework. I know that if he stayed home he wouldn’t get anything done.

Well enough talk time for some pictures!