Saturday, February 1, 2014

Goals for the New Year

Last year's Goals were simple:

1. Grow and Strengthen my Testimony
2. Read at least one education book for every "fun" book
3. Learn to drive in the snow/stop being scared to drive in the snow

Let, I will tell you that I still HATE driving in the snow, so...
I have picked up reading again, and joined a book club with some ladies from church.
As for my Testimony, it is definitely in a different place than it was last year, and it is a much better happier place.

For 2014 my Goals are this:

1. Let people know how I feel, instead of letting them walk all over me.
2. Run a marathon
3. Weigh under 180#
4. Laugh more, and enjoy the time I have with the two best guys on Earth!


It is February! I am excited and nervous at the same time. in 12 days Zelner will be ONE YEAR OLD!

It has gone so fast!

A year ago today, I was "officially" on "maternity leave" (It isn't really official leave if you basically quit your job...) and we installed the carseat to get ready.

I am sad that my baby will be considered a toddler now.

This year has been an interesting one, a roller coaster of emotions.

I have 12 days left to enjoy my baby, and I am trying to suck up every moment, good, bad, and anything between.

Before get look to the future, let us look at the past.

These last few months have been challenging. Zelner didn't gain much weight at his 9 month appointment and the Doctor wasn't too concerned. But things after that got a little strange. Zelner stopped pooping regularly and then around Thanksgiving, started to throw up randomly. When he did finally poo (it was like once a week if that), he would have an extremely hard time and his whole bum was raw and would bleed. Then around Christmas he got this awful rash on his whole face and his back.

We stopped offering him solids, and I went on the elimination diet. We took him into the doctor and she confirmed it was a food allergy, but what, we had know idea and needed to keep him off solids for 3 weeks and then slowly start introducing them back. Most likely it would be gluten, wheat or dairy.

I am really grateful we were, and still are breast feeding. We didn't have to get anything fancy or expensive, and he healed fast.

After a few weeks of figuring out what his food allergy is, it turns out I have it too.

After delaying as long as possible, we are now a gluten and dairy free house.

Luckily, it is gluten and not wheat and we have been able to work out a way to make our own fermented breads, and other baked goods. We are experimenting and enjoying most of the fruits of our labors.