Friday, February 5, 2010


Brody and I are fully involved in school. I am taking 14 credits, ceramics, composites, circuits, fundamentals of election microscopy, and an online class history of western women. I enjoy ceramics and composites but the other three not so much. I am done at noon every day which make school more bearable. My online class was not what I was expecting. It is not a history class it is a social analysis class of why women of minority groups over history are and have been "oppressed" and still are, and how to change our opinions on that. In other words, feminism should have existed in its complete all encompassing form in the 1800's. Does anyone see the a fault in that other than me?

Brody is enjoying going back to school. He is taking an honors class and an intro to soil science. He really enjoys his soils class. His teacher even was taught by were he works company's president! He does not really enjoy his honors class very much. A lot of what they discuss and read is about the disconnect between science and religion. We both strongly believe that there is one. Just as Henry Eyring (father of Henry B. Eyring) said, "Here is the spirit of true religion, an honest seeking after knowledge of all things of heaven and earth."

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