Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Duck Shooting!!!

A few months ago I was talking to my good friend, Sara, about free fun date ideas, and she told me about duck shooting. Since, that I had been looking for a wooden/plastic duck for an evening out. I finally found one a a thrift store in town. Then finally after weeks of having this duck, I called Sara and we got our families together and we had a hootin' n' hollar of a time!

Moroni and Joseph ready to go!

On the train tracks...

Joseph, Brody, and duck and the duck sign...

Moroni with the duck (His dad, Ross is in the background)

Joseph and the duck

Cute little Mary and the duck

Brody and I with the duck

Moroni petting the duck

Joseph decided the duck didn't like the snow

The duck tried to rob the bank...

A duck pond?

Feeding the duck

The duck in its natural habitat...

The Wagstaffs! We love this family!!

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