Thursday, January 13, 2011

Things We Count...

Brody and I have a few things that we like to count when we are out and about. They range season to season and place to place. It might be a little weird but we find great joy in it.

  • Subaru's at the Coop (We count cars that are in the parking lot and the block around the Coop)-> Most ever: 18!!!
  • Uggs around campus (I especially like the freezing weather, little to no clothes and the Uggs to "stay warm")-> today 15
  • Girls wearing items that you would swear they bought at a Lingerie shop (this is fun when the weather warms up, but it is still decently cold out)
  • On road trips number of out of state vehicles (you have to pay attention to what state you are in sometimes...)
  • Wildlife (I am a city girl, seeing deer on the side of the road still amazes me!)-> Best ever: The Pullman Moose
  • Pregnant women (mainly at church and church functions, you never realized how often there is a significant amount of any ward population that is pregnant at anyone time until you count! We also count out and about if we see more than 4)
  • People wearing Premier Designs Jewelry (I sell this stuff and I never noticed that 60% of the people I see wear it... Hopefully it is because they purchased it from me!)
That is about it I will update it as we add more things to our counting list.

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