Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend Brody and I did separate things. I went away, and he stayed.

Brody stayed and worked on homework and on Monday went sailing with his friend Thane.

This is the sailboat they purchased
Refurbishing the boat.

They wanted a dragon on the boat, it looks very nice.

Getting ready to sail Rock Lake

Sailing, well minus the sails.

I went to the Westside to see a good friend, and to run a 10k.

Friday, I went to a Baseball game with Jessie.
Mariner's lost of course, but it was the closer's fault! If they hadn't of changed pitchers it would have been 4-2 not 6-4!!!

On Saturday, we drove out to Westport for her dad's birthday. I am close to the family, enough so that I call him Father George.

Westport is on the Pacific Ocean.
Almost a year ago, I was at the Emerald Coast...

Gulf of Mexico
What a difference!!

In Westport there is a Museum and out side there are some displays with whale bones.

Sea Lion Bones

Wauna, the Gray Whale

I also participated in some beach driving... I thought, having been raise in an area where it is illegal, driving on the beach is illegal. Not in Washington!

Just look at that! SUV's on the beach!

Fishing in the tide.

Rocky beach.

Dark sand, which is coarse, not soft.

Drift wood is everywhere

I also got a chance to walk around with sweet little Anna, she is six weeks old. I was also one of the few people she spit up on. Poor girl has reflux.
Moby wraps are awesome!
They were some Sea Lions on a slip. 

They were huge.

And very close!

And they were loud!