Monday, December 20, 2010


This is our second Christmas together! We can not believe that we have been married for one and a half years!!!  So much has happened! Lets see, we have gone skiing, had a few trips to the hospital and one emergency room visit, Brody started school, I am about to graduate, we started a business, and have been having tons of fun enjoying life!

This year we had to get another Christmas tree... It was very said when the potted tree we got last year died. If any of you have been to our house you know that I have many many plants. Most of which I have nursed back to health, but for some reason I killed an EVERGREEN!!! This year we saw a Newfolk potted Christmas tree and decided that we would try again. He is a small little guy but, is just the tree for us! It took us a while to decorate it (we actually had gifts under it before I was able to decorate!). Here he is, with his red and gold decorations!

This year we will be doing Christmas in Palouse!! Which translates to, NO TRAVELING!! I am done with traveling across the state for a while! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Paying it Forward

In light of my last post I decided this one should start out with a story about the good in the world!
Today, I went to print and bind a final report for one of my classes (the report was actually due a week ago, I just have not had time to go to the campus printers...) I had to print this 24 page color document and get it bound. The guy at the shop let me look though it before it was bound, and good thing!! Some how during save the word document as a PDF document it messed up the table of contents for the appendix. The guy let me fix it on the shop computer, and then after printing out the wrong page twice, only charged me for the 4 pages with color on then and the rest as black and whites, and NOT for the wrong pages!!! The guy was so nice, I had left my thumb drive there too on accident and he run me down in the CUB to return it! I am so glad he did because my senior thesis is on there along with all my research!!!

A while ago I heard about paying it forward, and thought it was a weird saying that did no make much since. More recently, I have been thinking of ways to help those around me. I started a business selling jewelry and have meet some absolutely wonderful people. This group of women that I have joined are the most caring and selfless people I have ever met. Most of them are way older than me, and I sometimes feel like a the teenage daughter a mom brought to girls night out. One of the women I have become close to, is trying to adopt, and another women, who has recently adopted, started an organization, to help this first woman and others trying to adopt. What kind of people, just start organizations to help one family and others because they found so much joy in adopting?! These women are so amazing! I do not feel like I am giving them the proper dues here.

I do not have a lot of means right now in my life, and monetarily helping someone is out of the question, but I have decided that we should donate the random food he get to try and never do, or volunteer  at the food bank, help someone when their car gets stuck in the mud/snow. These little acts of kindness those are the ways Brody and I can help those in need around us. How can you Pay it Forward and help some one around you?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I just want to complain for a moment about the stupid crap people do. It first starts with people who invite themselves over a day early.

Seriously! I know you are family and all, but Brody and I have a life too! We both go to school, we both work, and the little time we do have, we like to spend it alone or with close friends. Not with my brother who told me he will never like Brody or his new wife, whom I have yet to have a longer that 5 minute conversation with. It is ok, I can forgive you wanting to come over earlier in case the roads get bad, but ANNOUNCING that you are going to take a shower TOGETHER in MY SHOWER in MY HOUSE is not! To top it off, you made me so disgusted and aggravated that I forgot to get you towels so instead of saying anything you just used our towels that we had hanging up in our bathroom.

Maybe you just hate me, but since you were staying in my home I tried to give you comforts. I invited you to eat our food, and enjoy meals with us, but you just wanted to eat out and spend as much time as possible away. This was insulting, and I called you on it. What did you do? Nothing. I guess this is what Husky fans are like. Lesson learn, never invite a husky to your home.

The next is Group Project. Now I have experienced multiple kind of group projects: The kinds where one person does all the work, and kind where everything is done last minute, the kind where one person drops off the face of the planet, and the kind where you are working with a giant corporation and 5 guys...

I have always disliked group projects, and so I will admit to it, I have been that person who drops off the face of the planet, just because I hate them so much. Well with this project, I knew I couldn't do that because if I do not participate I do not graduate. So I chose the group where I know people would do the work, and not wait last minute. This is why I am in Seattle Sunday before dead week, because we have a presentation with a large company on Monday! (I signed some discloser form so I can't say what we did, who we did it for, or why, but think about it, you can guess which large company in Seattle would need engineers to work for them...)

I thought that engineers do not have lives which means that those welders in the group would be able have finished this project so we could have been done right before Thanksgiving. Nope. We actually finished the prototype this morning before we left for Seattle. To top it all off we a presentation in front of managers and possible a CEO tomorrow at 2 PM and the presentation is not done! And I do not care. I have my reasons why, but that would take another super long post. Mainly it is that I have another presentation I need to work on for my personal Senior thesis and paper to write, and three finals to prepare for.

Ah, the life of an Engineer. Good thing I graduate in May!!