Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Head engineer at NASA...

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. Since about December, I had been having little moments of panic! In high school I had created a dream list of things to do before 25, and well turning 24 meant I only had a year to complete the list... I was some where when someone made mention of my impending birthday, and I mention how I was panicking about my list. This wise person told me, "Our high school versions of ourselves don't think to realistically, so give your self a break. How many 24 year olds have you heard of becoming head engineers at NASA?" Well, how many have you heard of?

I did a quick search and found the head staff engineer at NASA's Mechanical Engineering Branch, Rodger Farley. I then did a search for him, and found that in 2008 he had been working in Aerospace Engineering for 28 years... That means even if he graduated with his BS at 18, he did not attain the goal. I guess if a man can not do it then I sure as hell can not. (Even due to the amount of equal opportunity B.S. out there women in engineering still are not getting the high level jobs, but that is a tangent for my other blog Worldly Rhetoric...)

This morning while I was getting ready, in my water aerobics class, and then getting ready for the day in the locker room, I thought to myself why not make a new attainable list of things to do before 25?! I have seen on other blogs list like '1001 things to do in 1001 days' or whatever. So, why not a 25 before 25!! I have 364 days to do it all!

25 by 25

lose 50 lbs (10/50)
finish 4 of the 12 knitting/crocheting projects I have started...
publish a research paper
go 10 days with out spending any money
go on a date with Brody once a month (1/12)
read my scriptures more regularly
run a 5K in 30 mins (in Nov I did one in 46 mins)
work out 3 times a week for 10 weeks straight (0/10)
attend the temple 10 times (0/10)
have 100% visiting teach for the year (0/12)
organize and keep organized my office
take a box to Goodwill monthly (0/12)
save $1500 (have $1500 in savings)
deep clean the kitchen bi-monthly (0/6)
dust monthly (it is so dusty in Pullman!!) (0/12)
finish Tree of Life afghan
make a habit of getting up and out of bed for the day with the first alarm
have a baby/get pregnant
ski a Black slope (currently a moderate blue skier)
put pictures in our picture frames
finish our wedding/honeymoon/anniversaries scrapbook
keep the living/family room clean for a month
keep a weekly journal (0/52)
Kiss and tell Brody I love him, and a reason why DAILY (0/365)