Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Life!

Happy New Year!!! I can not believe it is 2011!!! I remember when it turn from 1999 to 2000 and everyone was concerned about Y2K and all of the computers and banks were going to crash... Ah the good olde days...

I was listening on NPR today and now the new worry for this year is information, Cyper warfare. OOOhhhh! I am so scared! Honestly, though people! Be smart! Don't post your address on Facebook, your vacation details, your phone number, mothers maiden name, last for of your social... The list goes on. WE have all heard of phishing, and know that WE are supposed to protect our personal information. So, then why put on the internet, all your personal information!!! Because we are 'social networking', LAME!! Have you heard of the telephone? Call your friends and tell them that you are going to be in the area and make plans. Your friends don't answer there phone? Send a PERSONAL email! Is your society really this daft?

NPR was also talking about mobile banking. I see how this is a great convenience, honestly if I could just snap a picture of a check and have it instantly in my back account, I could save a lot of time, money, and gas!! I have looked into for my business, but to have it I have to get a credit card for $50,000!!! That is the about amount I have paid for my B.S. in Material Science!! Which, is in loans, which means I already have that amount in debt, so why would I want a CARD worth the amount of my engineering degree?!?! Also NPR talked about how some phones store all of your information needed to hack your account... Lose you phone... Lose ALL you money, your identity, your life... I think I will stick to going to the bank, plus I like the tellers. Go to the same back often, and the teller knows you by name, and that is always nice.

After all the troubles of a new year, comes all the goals and resolutions people make. I have made a few, some of the classic ones, lose weight, get out of debt, etc... I have also made some resolutions to better life! I have read a few books during this vacation (no traveling = time to relax = time read non-text books!). They all had underlying messages about how to get a hold of your life, finances, health, weight, whatever. And so I decided, one day I want to own a house, have no debts, and go on long vacations, so why can't I?! This year we are working to achieve that. And we are starting will our waistlines and wallets. I never really ever correlated the two, but oh my are they!

1 comment:

  1. -I've heard crap on NPR about cyber warfare, too, and how the Russians can shut down the whole country's infrastructure - crazy, sounds very futuristic, except ... I guess it can happen now if we piss off the Russians.

    -I like that I can feed a check into the ATM to deposit money, but when you send a picture of your check on your phone, banking has gotten way too easy. I don't trust it.

    -I like your use of the word "daft."

    -Good luck with your goals! I miss you!
