Sunday, March 18, 2012

I feel like I have not posted anything in a while... But there is not much to say...

February was awful, like February is... I did do something totally AWESOME for Valentine's Day. Which when I get around to it I will post details about that.

March is well, just about the same... School and work for Brody. (Which incidentally, was reading the blog and told me to stop using B...) Work for me. I have picked up this 'nesting' bug for lack of a better term. I have wanted to purge our basement. It really need some work! So we have started doing that. I have also been doing some painting and redecorating. I am turning our little office nook into my craft room. I spent all week working on sanding and painting. Now it just needs some paint touch ups and everything put back. My goal is to have it completed by the 1st of April. Pictures of course to come...

1 comment:

  1. You will love having your own craft space! It's my favorite place in the house!
